How to support personal and professional growth?


Talent - this is how a worker with high potential is often defined. Companies are constantly looking for such people. To know how to attract talents to your company and, more importantly, make them stay in it, you need to focus on the continuous development of the company and its employees. By learning the expectations, strengths and aspirations of each employee, a good leader will be able to combine them with the future needs of the organization.

Even if the recruitment process took care of employing well-educated candidates, the employees' knowledge and competences must be constantly developed.

We distinguish four stages of employee development- it is worth being aware of them to be able to adjust the type of motivation, as well as create an appropriate development path for them. It may seem that in the home office era, the issue of sustainable development is difficult to arrange. Fortunately, thanks to technology, this development does not have to be taken into the background, and employers can constantly improve their employees.

Stage one - enthusiastic rookie

The employee in the first stage is described as an enthusiastic rookie.

When a new person joins the team he has a lot of energy, he is motivated to act. At the same time, due to the very short internship in the company, its competences are limited. Support from the supervisor is extremely important during this period. It is important to give clear instructions, along with feedback or constructive criticism. Such clear guidelines that will cover data and expectations will facilitate the task of the novice and save stress - this can therefore positively affect his performance at work and development.

What is the connection with all this? Direct and constant contact of the superior with a new employee. In a remote form, we can ensure good relationships through telephone calls and e-mail exchanges. If we care about the development of employees, it is also worth using the Smart Manager work monitoring and development system- which, thanks to a clear division of responsibilities, will give the employee a sense of stability, and the supervisor will be able to monitor the work and progress of the newly employed person on an ongoing basis.

The next stage - disappointed adept

After a large dose of enthusiasm we can encounter a moment of doubt caused by failures or difficulties at work. At this stage, employees are referred to as disappointed adepts. This discouragement often leads to a decision to leave the company. This is the moment when the supervisor must act and help the employee get through the moments of weakness. In this case, contact and information flow is also necessary. It is thanks to the conversation that managers notice a decrease in motivation or discouragement and it is thanks to the conversation that they can help such a person regain motivation to work. What other steps can your supervisor take? The proposal to use e-learning can be very beneficial. The employee does not have to leave the house to train and improve his way of working. In addition, he will appreciate the commitment of his supervisor - it is worth having such an educational "ace up your sleeve". You can find out about what can help you create e-learning here.

The next stage - specialist

An employee at the next stage of development can be called a specialist. Such a person already has a long experience in the company, and his competences are at a high level- he has already gained a lot of knowledge and experience. However, paradoxically, he may still think he doesn't know much. The actual level of skill is often blurred by a lack of faith in it. When this certainty is inadequate to your competences, the motivation is not very high. This stage is difficult both for the employee whose results depend on the (variable) level of motivation on a given day, as well as for the leader. It is not known if you can always count on such an employee. In this case, first, again, put on honest conversation- this time face to face. When the work has been moved home, it is worth focusing on Skype or other browser software such as Meet or Zoom. This coaching conversation should strengthen his faith in his abilities, as well as convince him that he can find answers to his doubts and questions bothering him. And if you are wondering about the benefits of using the image during such conversations, look here.

The next step that should be taken by the supervisor is to delegate more tasks to such a dubious employee, thereby increasing his decision-making. The employee at this stage should feel that he is important in the team, he should feel support, and thanks to new and more engaging tasks he will feel that he is developing.

The last stage - an expert

In the last stage you will meet experts. People who have the same, high level of knowledge, experience and motivation. Such a person already knows what and how to do, and all he needs is the trust of his supervisor.

At this stage, the leader should offer experts certification. Thanks to this, such an expert can easily confirm his skills and organize his knowledge. In addition, the certificate will allow him to develop, learn about new stages of initiation in a given industry.

Moreover, it will prevent so-called occupational burnout. New challenges and new learning areas can further increase the level of motivation.

The training market is up to date with the new needs of its clients. That is why certification can go smoothly from home.

Regardless of the stage of development of your employee, it is always worth motivating him to increase knowledge and apply it in practice. It is motivating and caring for development that is in the responsibilities of good leader.