Effective leader - 5E leadership model


A lot of things depends on a leader, so if there is a person in the team who has the characteristics of a good commander, the project has a good chance of success.

But who is a good leader? In this post we have already described his features. Today, however, we are presenting a 5-E leadership model that helps leaders diagnose business problems or create a proactive strategic plan that avoids such problems. A model that is still valid and ideally suited to someone who is going to undertake the project.

Thus, it is a model containing features that will help each leader become the best in his trade.


The leader should have a clear vision for the project and for everyone involved in the project. This is not an easy competence, the leader must be able to determine in which direction we are going and whether we want to go there, what is the goal of our actions and what effects it will bring. Often, SMART method alone is not enough to describe the goal, it happens that leaders cannot reach consensus for a very long time.

A good way to check if our vision makes sense is to tell her a trusted person who knows the subject. Often, such a conversation will help to dispel any doubts and also direct the right path.


If the leader really feels the subject of the project it will be much easier for him to find the right team. In addition, such involvement will be perceived as authenticity, which can motivate people to act. A good leader can integrate a team and prove that they have a common goal that pays off to achieve.


Delegating tasks can be difficult for some people- you have to get rid of the belief that "I'll do everything better by myself".
When engaging people for help, you should trust them and give them the opportunity to actually complete the task.
A good leader is one that gives his team the proverbial field to show off- thanks to this, he contributes to their development.


When we are dealing with a long project, the lack of motivation will naturally appear at some of the stages- boredom, fatigue or problems from outside. A good leader need to anticipate and prevent such situations- he should feed the team's energy and show that the vision is still worth the effort.


To complete a project you need an effective and strategic action plan, you also need the right resources, including a team of suitable people. A good leader is aware of the goal, can look at the entire project in advance, and can also ensure that everything works as it should.

Being a leader is not an easy task. Before taking up this role, it is worth asking yourself a few questions:

  • Do I have a clear vision of the project?
  • Can I get involved?
  • Do I have enough energy to motivate people to work?
  • How can I develop these people?

The role of a leader in a team brings a lot of sacrifices, but bringing the project to fruition and awareness of how your team has developed are extremely satisfying and often reward all hardships.