Managing yourself? It can be taught!


Everyone has an equal 24 hours in the day to use in their own way. Many of us are looking for ways to make the most of them. That's why an interesting field of management has been identified that focuses on time and tasks.

Time management is the constant control over the amount of time we devote to an activity, which translates into an activity with high efficiency and productivity. Task management, on the other hand, consists of planning and goal setting, the ability to prioritize, act and evaluate

What profits will you gain by skillfully managing yourself in time?

  • First of all, you will manage to do more while generating less time and effort. You can spend the time you save on self-development or relaxation, for example.
  • With smart planning you will be better organized, make fewer mistakes and achieve your goals faster.
  • Another positive aspect of time and task management is the reduction of stress during work, planning and success in achieving your goals can also motivate you.

There are really many interesting techniques for both time and task management.

First of all, plan!

It's a good idea to write down every plan or task, creating a so-called "To-do list." This way you won't miss any step, you'll be more aware of the planned activities, it will also improve the work itself. Creating such a list will also give you a realistic look at what you can achieve within the intended time.

Learn to recognize urgent and less important tasks.

The Eisenhower matrix-also known as the priority matrix-will help you do this.
It helps you determine what you should tackle first and what you can let go of or delegate. However, for this tool to be helpful, you must be able to determine the urgency and importance of your tasks.
The scheme is very simple to understand:

  • if something is important and urgent at the same time, take care of it first
  • if the task is important, but not "for now", you can calmly decide where to put it on your "to-do" list
  • if you have the opportunity, delegate urgent but less important tasks
  • on the other hand, don't bother with things that are neither urgent nor important

Take breaks

Short but systematic breaks allow you to stay fully focused and efficient at work.

Francesco Cirillo has developed a method that is proving to be very effective at work. The method is called "pomodoro," and it encourages you to divide your time on a given task into blocks of work and rest. The traditional guidelines of the pomodoro method recommend spending 25 minutes on work and 5 minutes on rest. We can, of course, dispose of these values in our own way, but it is worth sticking to the idea of resting systematically.

The above techniques are some of the many useful ones in the area of general self-management. Wanting to work effectively and efficiently, while reducing stress, it is worth planning and gradually introducing proven and effective methods into your life. Time and task management definitely requires practice - the good news is that in any field, practice makes perfect.